Supercharge Your MSP Sales with AI-Powered Conversation Intelligence

Transform your sales process, enhance your team's performance, and drive revenue growth with's innovative, AI-powered tools.

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Sell Smarter in a Rapidly Evolving MSP Landscape

As an MSP sales leader, you're likely facing many challenges. Your team needs to rapidly master an expanding solution set, from cybersecurity to cloud to compliance, to keep pace with evolving client needs. You're battling commoditization and margin pressure in an increasingly crowded market. Expansion revenue is critical for growth, but you lack visibility into account health and cross-sell opportunities. And you're struggling to hire and retain top sales talent amid fierce competition.

Nayak is the AI-powered conversation intelligence platform designed to help MSPs weather this storm and emerge stronger. Our real-time guidance, personalized insights, and continuous optimization empower your reps to become trusted advisors to your clients, close more deals faster, and drive predictable revenue growth in any market condition.

Personalized Sales Approach for Deeper Client Engagement

Nayak takes your MSP sales to the next level with hyper-personalized client interactions. By analyzing prospect behaviors across touchpoints like website visits, email engagement, and content interests, our AI empowers your reps to dynamically tailor their pitch for each unique buyer.

When a prospect shows heightened interest in a specific solution like cybersecurity, Nayak ensures your rep focuses the conversation there, delivering a supremely relevant experience that keeps buyers engaged. The result? Deeper client connections and accelerated sales cycles.

How It Works

Personalized Pre-Call Plans

Nayak auto-generates hyper-personalized call plans for every interaction based on your playbook and the client's needs, so reps show up ready to deliver a tailored pitch every time.

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Real-Time "Read the Room" Call Guidance

Nayak is like having your best sales coach with your reps on every call. Our AI monitors live conversations, analyzing nuances like tone and engagement to provide in-the-moment guidance.

When a client asks about a competitor or a complex technology, Nayak instantly arms your rep with smart talk tracks and insights to navigate the discussion with poise, keeping things compelling and deal-focused. It's like GPS for sales calls, ensuring your team always takes the optimal route from pitch to close.

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Continuous Optimization with Top Performer Insights

With Nayak, post-call analysis is more of a strategy than a summary. Our AI delivers concrete insights and recommendations to inform hyper-relevant follow-up and interactions going forward.

By providing this clear direction, Nayak not only keeps your team organized, but continually optimizes your sales approach to boost win rates. It's the MSP sales playbook that writes itself.

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Adaptive AI to Keep You Ahead of Evolving Markets

Nayak's AI does more than just learn from your team; it evolves with your market. By analyzing sales interactions across your organization, our platform identifies the most successful patterns and dynamically refines scripts and strategies.

Whether it's changing client needs or competitive landscapes, Nayak ensures your MSP sales approach always leverages the most impactful messaging and tactics. With us, you don't just adapt to the market - you define it.

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Turning Complex Data into Clear Sales Direction

Nayak transforms the overwhelming deluge of sales conversation data into precise, actionable insights. Rather than bog you down with bloated call transcripts, our AI distills exchanges down to their strategic essence.

Your team gains sales intelligence in its most potent form - clear direction on what to say, ask, and do to win the deal. It's sales enablement reimagined for the AI age.

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Equip Any Rep to Sell Like Your Top Performer

Nayak is the force multiplier that allows you to build a team of sales superstars, regardless of their initial technical expertise. Our AI platform empowers every rep, from SDRs to AEs, with the knowledge and guidance to effectively sell your entire MSP solution set from day one.

By providing real-time coaching, intelligent talk tracks, and proven objection handling techniques, Nayak enables all your reps to focus on selling value rather than getting bogged down in technical complexities. This means you can hire for sales talent and let Nayak do the heavy lifting of technical enablement.

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Industry Leaders Like Claratti Improve Seller Performance with Nayak

Imagine the efficiency of being able to ramp new reps in a matter of weeks instead of months. The cost savings of reducing technical training while still hitting revenue targets. The competitive edge of a sales team that can pivot to sell any offering at a moment's notice. 

That's the power of Nayak.

"With Nayak, we are able to hire SDRs with limited technical skills and qualify the same amount of leads as if we had SDRs with full technical skills."

Doug Childress
CEO, Claratti

"Nayak gives me confidence. The platform helps maintain conversation flow by keeping important knowledge close by which has allowed me to get past the gatekeeper 50% of the time -- a big improvement from before Nayak."

Xavia Tankhilevich
Top-performing AE, Claratti

More MSP Insights

Ready to empower your MSP sales team with conversation intelligence?

Book a demo today and see how Nayak can help you:

-Upskill reps on your full service offering in weeks vs. months
-Maximize win rates and deal sizes in a competitive market
-Grow net retention to 100%+ with AI-powered account management